Open morning showcases Maple Hayes Dyslexia School to parents

Maple Hayes Dyslexia School welcomed parents of Key Stage 2 and Year 7 students from across the Midlands to the school for our latest open morning.

Led by Dr Daryl Brown and senior staff, parents were given a chance to explore the school, see classes in action and ask crucial questions relating to their child’s future.

The morning got underway with a presentation from the Headteacher on Maple Hayes’ unique teaching methods and approach to transforming the educational outcomes of our dyslexic pupils before attendees were given a guided tour around the site.

Our students who were in the middle of Saturday classes took the time to show their work to our visitors and talk about how their days were going, which was great to see.

After a short break, the open morning continued with a talk on Education Health and Care plans and how Maple Hayes can work with parents to try and make the transition from mainstream education as smooth as possible for them and their child.

The feedback staff received from parents throughout the morning was highly positive, with particular focus on the good behaviour of our pupils, their focus on their work and the ethos that is behind everything we do at Maple Hayes.

We are looking forward to our next SEN workshop on 14th March 2020 where parents can take advantage of independent legal advice and seek further details on the process behind the Education Health and Care Plan. We will advertise this event after Christmas.


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