Maple Hayes Hall School is an independent special school that caters for children aged 7-17 who have or may have statements or education health and care plans (EHC Plan), with their main difficulties lying in Specific Learning Difficulty (dyslexia and/or dysgraphia) without significant intellectual deficits.
Our Admissions Aims
To admit pupils in accordance with the school's mission statement and values of kindness, respect, community, creativity, curiosity, and perseverance.
To help parents and pupils decide whether Maple Hayes Hall School is an appropriate placement for their educational needs.
To establish whether the school can effectively support the pupil, or if an alternative provision may be more suitable.
Admissions Process
Assessment: The school usually requires results from a reputable, normative test of cognitive ability and results from reading and spelling tests. If assessment outcomes are not available, the school will undertake an assessment at the parents' cost.
Interview: All prospective pupils are interviewed, and a judgement is made about the suitability of the school's educational provision to the pupil's particular difficulties.
Trial Placement: Pupils considered appropriate for placement must complete a short 'trial' attendance (typically a week) provided at no charge. Longer trials may incur a cost. The purpose of the trial is for the pupil and parents to decide on the appropriateness of the placement, and for the school to establish the suitability of the placement.
Offer of a Place: After the trial placement, the decision to offer a place or not is taken. Due to the school's special methodology and integration of the National Curriculum, places are not offered for a duration of less than three years.
Appeals Process
Maple Hayes Hall School does not have a formal appeals process, as all relevant information is discussed as part of the prospective admissions process. If an offer of placement is turned down by the child or parent, the school cannot guarantee the space if there is a change of mind at a later date. In such an event, the pupil would be required to progress through the prospective admissions process again and may be placed on a waiting list.
Creating the Best Outcomes
At Maple Hayes Hall School, we are committed to transforming children's lives through the use of morphemes (meaning) and icons in a community where they feel fully included. Our admissions process is designed to ensure that we can provide the best possible educational experience for each child, aligned with our core values of kindness, respect, community, creativity, curiosity, and perseverance.